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Sewak Powder to Whiten and Cleanse the Teeth

13.00 USD
13.00 USD

Sewak Powder to Whiten and Cleanse the Teeth

The positive effects of miswak (salvadora persica) on oral health and the gastrointestinal tract

Oral health is an integral part of overall health. Oral health is closely related to many diseases and problems especially those related to the digestive system.
Many studies have indicated that neglecting oral health leads to many diseases including some psychological diseases.
The oral cavity is the main entrance to the human body from which huge amounts of harmful compounds and microorganisms enter.

So maintaining oral health is very important it is an urgent vital need that can be fulfilled mainly by mechanical means and chemical means.
The most common and modern method is the use of a toothbrush and toothpaste and here you must pay attention to choosing the best tools that serve the purpose and do not cause any harm.

There are many types of toothbrushes and they are made of various materials some of them are synthetic and some are natural. One of the best types of dental cleaning tools is the toothpick which carries a historical value with a high therapeutic value.

Miswak (salvadora persica)

Since ancient times and long before the invention of the modern toothbrush for civilized people they use miswak as a kind of natural cleaning tool to keep their teeth healthy.

What is miswak and what are its uses?

It is the root branches and stems of a widely spread tree around the world which is miswak tree (salvadora persica).

Many researches have been conducted on the miswak (salvadora persica) tree which has proven its effectiveness against bacteria viruses and fungi and helps to combat decay and prevents plaque gathering.
It contains antioxidants and contains local pain relievers and anti-inflammatories and most important of all it has a direct effect on the composition of fluids inside the oral cavity which directly affects the health of mouth so let's lean more about it.

What are the therapeutic effects of miswak to maintain oral health?

  • The researchers focused on examining the antibacterial activity of the compounds in miswak it has been shown to be effective against many anaerobic bacteria that live in moist environments.
  • By extracting methanol from miswak and placing it in an environment with this type of bacteria.
  • It has also proven very effective activity in fighting Candida and some types of bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus Streptococcus mutans Streptococcus faecalis Streptococcus pyogenes Lactobacillus and others.
  • It gave an inhibitory activity against these species and Staphylococcus aureus was the most sensitive to methanol.
  • Not only methanol but miswak contains many active compounds that show a bactericidal activity such as benzyl isothiocyanate.

Functions of chemical components in miswak

Miswak contains multiple biologically active species that have been identified by analyzing miswak extracts. These components are very important for oral and dental health and have protective properties against cancer.


  • It acts as an effective abrasive that removes plaque and stains. accumulated on the teeth.

Tannin (tannic acid)

  • Reduces gingivitis.
  • Reduces gingivitis and plaque.


  • Reduces the number of candida accumulated on the teeth.
  • It has protective properties against tooth decay as it forms a layer over the surface of the enamel.


  • It has an antifungal effect.
  • It has bactericidal effects.

Essential oils

  • It has activity that kills bacteria and cancer cells.
  • Gives a distinctive scent.
  • Antibacterial.
  • Stimulates saliva flow.


  • It has a bactericidal effect.

Vitamin C

  • It helps in healing and repairing the tissues around the teeth.

Sodium bicarbonate

It acts as a mild abrasive and can be used as a toothpaste.


Prevents tooth fragility and stimulates enamel remineralization.

The effect of the microbiota on the health of the gut

  • Gut health is very important as the intestinal barrier prevents millions of compounds and microorganisms from crossing into the blood.
  • If oral health is bad this causes big damage to the microbiota system and this leads to several diseases.
  • When oral health is good this helps to maintain a balance in the amount of Bifidobacterium that protects the intestine from the negative effects of pathogens.
  • It also stimulates the production of immunoglobulin A which has a positive effect on immunity.
  • Serotonin the hormone of happiness affects the nervous system improving mood and is produced by approximately 70% in the intestines.
  • Helps in the development of the brain and improve its functions.
  • Protects against inflammatory bowel diseases.
  • Prevention of allergic diseases obesity and diabetes.
  • Prevent insulin resistance.
  • Reduce triglyceride absorption.
  • Improves digestion and energy consumption.
  • Contributes to regulating the immune system.
  • Production of monounsaturated fats that are beneficial to the body.
  • Protects against intestinal pathogens such as Candida and some types of bacteria.

How does miswak affect the health of the microbiota and the gut?

Its antibacterial effect

As we mentioned earlier miswak has a strong effect against intestinal pathogens.

Some of the components in miswak kill bacteria and discourage the growth of populations of certain types of bacteria.

Miswak also contains active ingredients capable of inhibiting the growth of cancer-causing bacteria.

Antifungal effect

Studies have indicated that miswak has antifungal properties.

Miswak extract has been used to inhibit the growth of Candida and some types of fungi such as yeasts.

Antiviral effect

Because it has antiviral properties the use of miswak is a preventative measure to control oral infections.

It also fights the epidemic causes and has a strong effect against caries.

Because it has antiviral properties the use of miswak is a preventative measure to control oral infections.

It also fights the epidemic causes and has a strong effect against caries.

Also in other studies miswak has been shown to have antiseptic effects due to its contains of about 52 53 from fluoride.

Its effect on oral fluids and its role in protecting against caries

Moreover the spicy taste of miswak in addition to the effects of chewing the stick can increase the secretion of saliva which in turn protects against the spread of tooth decay.

Its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect

Miswak extract is an anti-inflammatory that can be used effectively as a natural tool for brushing teeth and as a natural pain reliever for toothache.

The effectiveness of miswak as a tool for oral hygiene

It is considered effective in cleaning teeth mechanically due to its strong and soft fibers at the same time.

Several studies have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of miswak and it has been proven that it is as effective and powerful as other modern oral cleaning tools.

It has been proven to be effective in preventing plaque deposits but the regular brush is easier to control than the toothpick so it has produced a toothbrush using the miswak to achieve the benefit found in the toothpick with the power of the brush in cleaning.

Sewak powder to whiten and cleanse teeth

The sewak contains wonderful active ingredients with an excellent ability to affect oral and dental health between cleansing cleaning disinfection whitening and strengthening as a whole. This powder is made from the luxurious sewak tree and you can use it with a toothbrush also made of sewak for greater benefit.

The sewak was also mentioned in some hadith that encourage its use as a disinfectant and a cleaner for the teeth and mouth. As we know that oral health means the health of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole and thus it directly affects all the vital chain processes that follow what passes through it.

The benefits of sewak in maintaining oral and dental health:

  • It protects against tooth decay because it contains trimethylamine which lowers the pH and thus prevents the growth of bacteria that cause cavities. Also It restores balance to the natural environment inside the mouth.
  • Helps protect gum from disease and strengthen it because sewak contains vitamin C and sitosterol which work together to improve gum health and nourish the blood vessels that support the teeth and provide them with nutrition and compounds important for the continuity of the strength of the surrounding tissues.
  • Helps get rid of unwanted odor because it fights infections and bacteria that cause them. This is through some of the compounds it contains such as vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant that prevents free radicals and infections.
  • Gives a beautiful smell to the mouth and enhances the feeling of cleanliness.
  • And most importantly The sewak is rich in fluoride chloride and silica which are clean and whiten the teeth.

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