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Enameled men's bracelet with sword Zulfiqar engraving

100.10 USD
100.10 USD

Zulfiqar (sword)

ZueL Fakar

It is a sword that became famous from the Muslims. The Prophet Muhammad may God bless him and grant him peace gave it to Ali bin Abi Talib. The origin of its name is that the vertebrae is the pothole the slit and the impoverished sword that has streaks drifting off its board. And the sword was called Zulfiqar because it contained the pits of Hassan's junior and the pit was called a paragraph. The Prophet may God’s prayers and peace be upon him had looted it on the day of Badr when it was before the Messenger of God may God bless him and grant him peace to his alarm bin Hajjaj al-Sahami and the Prophet may God’s prayers and peace be upon him sent it to our master Ali bin Abi Talib may God be pleased with him and this sword did not leave him and he entered Makkah on the day The conquest. He was the one who saw in him the vision during the Battle of Uhud and the list of this sword its bowl its ring its wolf its wheels and its sole were of silver.

How to wear a bracelet to a man

So far there is no set rule for wearing a men's bracelet. Most men wear it on their right hand as the left hand is already occupied with elegant and expensive watches. Some men consider wearing a bracelet as an unworthy task for sex in order to have stronger sex - but they are wrong. Accessories in the form of a stylish bracelet will highlight the great attractiveness sexuality and charm of a man creating a striking contrast between strong men's hands and delicate decoration made of precious metals or non-metallic.

What bracelets are suitable for men

So men should choose for themselves restrained bracelets made of platinum gold silver wood bone plastic and leather. For little boys bright knit shoes are allowed. When wearing a bracelet it does not matter the age of a man or the severity of his suit - some wear this accessory freely even in a number of pieces.

The basic principle of wearing men's bracelets - the more expensive the materials from which they are made the stiffer the bracelets will be on the hand of men.

8 x 8 x 8
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